No matter what you think you want to do as a creative artist in show business, it is imperative that you understand what you want to say.


 I can help with that!

Let me make this very clear upfront.
I am not a “teacher”. Nor do I ever have any desire to be. 
I can’t “teach” you anything. I can show you stuff. You, fellow quester of knowledge, will always decide what you learn or don’t learn.
Our relationship, in the event we decide to work together, would be more like two friends geeking out over our passions. I prefer this over the traditional teacher/student relationship. Whatever that is *shrug*.

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It’d go a lil somethin’ like this:

You’ll contact me for a 100% free 45-minute consultation. We’ll discuss Curiosities, Strengths, and Fears.
And from there, you simply hit me up whenever you have questions and I will give whatever info you need to find the answers you seek.

Photo by Walter McBride


It is that simple.

Until now, this has been something I either do for friends free of charge or for a select few curious young minds I have had the pleasure of collaborating with professionally (watch our original piece Cyberstock here). But now, I’d like to open up the shop for any and all who are interested:)

Be you a leader of an elite college musical theatre or theatre program, a young high school student preparing to get the most out of your creative career, or a seasoned professional who may feel a little stuck in a rut, I have cool things to show all of you and your students! 

And don’t let my theatricality/theatre background fool you, I have knowledge across a wide assortment of topics that all fall under perhaps the 2 most crucial aspects of Show Business: Longevity and Fulfillment.

If you are doing anything, and I mean ANYTHING that drains your energy (or your pocketbook *cough cough* colleges *cough cough* living in NYC/LA), corrupts the perception you have of yourself or sours your passion for what love doing in any way, stop doing it immediately. Otherwise, you will not survive this business. And I’m giving you that one for free. That is, if you’ve continued reading this far.


And if you have, you will more than likely be a lifelong learner! And I would love to learn with you.

Shoot me an email and let’s start learning together